Chancery Division
In re
Agrokor dd
[2017] EWHC 2791 (Ch)
2017 Oct 23– 26;
Nov 9
Judge Paul Matthews sitting as a High Court judge
InsolvencyCross-border insolvencyRecognition of foreign proceedingExtraordinary administration in Croatia concerning group of companiesForeign representative applying for recognition of administration as foreign proceedingApplication concerning only holding companyWhether court precluded from recognising group administration where application for recognition concerning only specific company within groupWhether administration pursuant to “law relating to insolvency”Whether under “control” of courtWhether “for the purpose of reorganisation or liquidation”Whether recognition of foreign proceeding contrary to public policy if creditors not accorded pari passu treatment Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/1030), Sch 1, arts 2(i), 6, Sch 2, art 25(1)(j)
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