Court of Appeal
Marex Financial Ltd
[2018] EWCA Civ 1468
2018 June 14; 26
Lewison, Lindblom, Flaux LJJ
CompanyCreditor’s claim against beneficial ownerRule against reflective lossClaimant obtaining judgment against companiesBeneficial owner and director of companies allegedly stripping them of assets post-judgment so that unable to pay judgment debtClaimant’s action in tort against beneficial owner and director to recover judgment debtWhether within exception to rule against reflective lossWhether rule barring completed causes of action in tortWhether claim to be struck out
PracticeClaim formService out of jurisdictionClaimant obtaining judgment against companiesBeneficial owner and director of companies allegedly stripping them of assets post-judgment so that unable to pay judgment debtClaimant’s action against beneficial owner and director in tort to recover judgment debtWhether rule against reflective loss applying such that action not “claim … made in tort”Whether jurisdiction to grant permission to serve claim form out of jurisdiction CPR r 6.36; Practice Direction 6B, para 3.1(9)
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