Court of Appeal
*Zipvit Ltd
Revenue and Customs Commissioners
[2018] EWCA Civ 1515
2017 Nov 28, 29;
2018 June 29
Henderson, Asplin LJJ, Dame Elizabeth Gloster
RevenueValue added taxDeductibility of input taxSupplies of services to VAT-registered trader wrongly assumed by parties to have been exempt from VATPrice paid by trader said to be exclusive of VAT and invoices stating supplies exemptCourt of Justice ruling subsequently establishing that supplies properly chargeable to VATWhether taxpayer entitled to recover as input tax credit tax element of consideration paid for suppliesWhether invoices meeting requirement to contain details of VAT rate appliedWhether price paid by trader to be treated as including VATWhether “VAT due or paid” Value Added Tax Act 1994 (c 23), s 19(2) Council Directive 2006/112/EC, arts 73, 78(a), 168(a), 178, 226
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