Supreme Court
Genting Casinos (UK) Ltd (trading as Crockfords Club)
[2017] UKSC 67
2017 July 13;
Oct 25
Baroness Hale of Richmond PSC, Lord Kerr of Tonaghmore, Lord Hughes JJSC, Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd
GamingGamblingCheatingCard game player adopting edge-sorting strategy unbeknown to casinoImplied term in contract not to cheatWhether “cheat” connoting dishonest state of mindWhether “cheating” including interference by player with process by which game played so as to gain unfair advantage without other player’s knowledgeWhether claimant in breach of implied term so that not entitled to recover winnings Gambling Act 2005 (c 19), s 42(3)
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